We all remember the Wizard Of OZ. You know with the Cowardly Lion and the brainless Scarecrow and the Heartless Tin Man. Well, what if I told you that the story of their journey parallels the world in which we live in? Just think, for you to be whole we need all 4 characters including Dorothy.

The path to fulfillment and happiness is a long and challenging road. There are so many plot twists and turns and dead ends and rewrites. From the time we are born, we are told what to do and how to do it. We go through grade school being pushed to the next class when the bell rings, sit in a specified seat, and are told to open to page 212 in chapter 17. If we make it through all of that you may have taken your story to college and gave that a try. But once those big phases are complete, most likely the first 22-24 years, then the real challenge begins. LIFE.

I mean a life where you have to find a job and support yourself. Maybe you earned that signed degree from your school telling you which road to take. You go to apply to some teaching positions or maybe you have been preparing for medicine or even passed the bar and a courtroom will be your battleground. Anyway you slice it, it’s time to move on to the next big chapter.

Now at this point, you probably have told yourself you’ve made it through the tough stuff. All the schooling is done or maybe you pick the route of a trade or join the workforce. But this is where the real work begins.

But wait! You have to balance a bank account and pay taxes. You have to rent a home or apartment, get transportation, fill your pantries, and even cook for yourself…

But that wasn’t a class at school. College or high school! But wait there’s more. You have obligations to friends and family and hopefully, if you see life in an “I’m going to leave it better than I found it” kind of way then you also realize you need to contribute something to society.

So starts the uphill climb of trying to adult. And then there is mental and physical health to battle with. So how does all of this work in with the world of OZ? Great question!

It goes like this. Now that we’ve taken the training wheels off, we are about to encounter a world of denial, resentment, strife, unfairness, rejection, and cynicism. To understand that life is suffering as Dr. Jordan Peterson’s claim, which in my assessment is true, is to then also be given the key to it all.

Dorothy realizes there’s got to be more to life (don’t we all!). She gets sucked into this world of magic and imagination. This is really how we are supposed to see the world in my opinion. Full of opportunity and color. Even when the Wicked Witch Of The West proves that oppression is real, and that there will always be someone or something to challenge you at every turn, Dorothy comes along and proves that when there is a will there’s a way.

But we can’t do it alone. She meets these unexpected companions that prove to be paramount in the success of getting back home. Through these challenges presented to the team, the Scarecrow uncovers his ability to think and problem solve, the Lion gets confronted with an opportunity to fight back with his “newly” found courage and the Tinman feels that beating heart pumping away.

But how did all of these characters find these answers? How did they each get what they NEEDED? They were so lost and felt so broken.

They each were faced with opportunities to help them see their own potential and to prove they had what they were searching for all along. It was already inside them.

See Dorothy is the catalyst. Let’s call her our motivation. When she shows up everything changes. She physically takes steps in a new direction. She leads the charge but motivation alone won’t do the trick. If Dorothy didn’t have the team of the Scarecrow (our intellect and logical side), the Lion (Our own willingness to battle and fight against adversity), and the Tinman (our consciousness and desire to connect and find fulfillment) she would have failed the mission. She would have been taken by the monkeys and the Wicked Witch would have lived on and terrorized the land of OZ forever.

The Wicked Witch and the tainted land in the story resemble the things about our life and the challenges that we feel hold us back. Our trek through those moments is like Dorothy’s fight to make it through. Every day we wake up we have the power of motivation. It’s a new day, the sun rose up and we took a breath. We have the opportunity to jump back into the story and fight the good fight. Are you willing to? That is the question. Will you go find your friends and win the day? Will you take these chances to sharpen the sword through the friction of grinding rocks to make yourself better? Better for yourself, your family, your spouse, and your community. Will you take an active role in writing the next page with a tone of bravery, heart, and brain power or will you fall victim to the world and its seemingly ever-growing despair? The hatred-filled monkeys that are obeying every command from the top-down leader? Do you want to lose to them? Or do you want to prove you have what it takes to change your world and the world of those around you?

So what’s the one thing? I mean the title of the piece is “The ONE Thing” right?

The one thing is you……….. A TEAM!

You need to bolster your characters. Grow the intelligence of your scarecrow through challenges that need mental energy and creative thinking. You need to build the courage of a powerful Lion through experiences that will put you at a crossroads of bravery to the left and comfort to the right and take that left path. You need to seek out ways to make that heart of the Tinman beat with palpable chest-thumping beats. Put yourself in situations to care for others and to make real human connections. Ones that truly matter. And lastly, you need the Dorothy in you to be so full of wonder and inspiration. What could happen? Where can I go? What’s even possible?

That team will, when given the proper tender love and care, will change your life. Those around you will begin to notice how much you’ve changed. People you don’t even know will be inspired by your actions and leadership by living a life that’s built around accepting and inviting challenges and learning and growing from them. YOU will start to notice small things and then HUGE things happening to you and around you.

Remember, Being brave, using your mind, and feeling with your heart, those things are hard to do. They take a lifetime of practice. We will still fall down and get knocked down. We will work hard to get back up. We will still get told we aren’t good enough. We will still be treated unfairly and unjustly. We will still be taken advantage of but all of those happenings are EXACTLY why we need to build this version of ourselves, so full of inspiration for a new life, brave enough to fight through the hard times, Intelligent enough to learn from these challenges and turn those lessons into wisdom and then to remember to never let the heart callus. The world needs more connection, it needs more people that care about more people.

So now that we understand what the NUMBER 1 most important factor to success in any phase of life is, let’s go out and start figuring out how to grow ourselves into this storybook hero! Seeking out challenges is the only way to do this. Put yourself out there, learn something new, and don’t be scared to suck at it as well. You as the story says “Toto I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore”. School is over, all the fingers pointing in the direction to go have been retired. YOU are making these decisions now, YOU can choose where to go and how to get there. YOU are in charge of your own destiny!

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

Comparison is the thief of joy.
Isn’t this so true? We compare ourselves to others both inside and outside of the gym. “She’s so much stronger than I am. They finished faster than I did. Why is this so hard for me but so easy for everyone else?” “They drive a nicer car than me. Their marriage seems so perfect! They really love their job and I can’t stand mine.”

We could go on and on, but ya know what puts an end to that comparison game?


The ONLY person you should be comparing yourself to is the YOU you were yesterday. Cheer each other on. We don’t know what they had to overcome to get where they are today.

Maybe they’ve been working on that skill in the gym for YEARS and they just mastered it. Be happy for them, and be happy for yourself! Remember that you can’t possibly compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 15.

Just be a little better today than you were yesterday. Do better today than you did yesterday. As we always like to say here, SUCK LESS today than ya did yesterday. 😉

Happy Monday, friends. Be proud of where you are now; proud of where you’re going as well, and let’s kick this week in the teeth!💚

Being Present

You know what’s phenomenal about physical training? It forces you to be present.
Know what I mean? Like if our girl Heidi who is the stunning model in this pic wasn’t paying attention to this ball she just threw in the air, then that baby is coming blasting back down with a vengeance and she may look like a hockey player after all is said and done hahaha.

You cannot do something like grab a pair of dumbbells and do a set of overhead press and be like “shiiiii you know I forgot to go to the bank today” … Well sometimes that happens anyway because of our crazy lives but in general this type of activity forces you to be where your feet are.

How many other times in your day can you honestly say that happens? Maybe if your work is engaging enough but besides that, we never practice being present anymore.

We watch tv and look at our phones. We go for walks and call a friend. We eat dinner and we’re back on our phones. We are doing laundry and listening to a podcast. We do our homework while answering snaps and posting tictok’s. We drive and put on makeup and play with the radio.

Nothing forces you to pay attention to that one thing happening quite like training.
It’s a beautiful hour when you can just zone in on this one thing. Laugh with friends, work hard, upgrade yourself, sweat, strive for more, and become the best version of yourself possible.

Don’t worry all of those distractions will be there when you are done. But it’s almost freeing. It’s just you and the weight. Just you and the gym. Just you vs. the challenge.
Learn to love it because there’s nothing else like it.

Bad Back?

You don’t have a bad back, or at least it didn’t start out that way.
I know I know. Some of you have had accidents and injuries that have resulted in surgery and maybe rehab and much more.

Those examples that we’re unavoidable may speak for a “real” bad back. But just remember it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Now BACK to the convo at hand… (see what I did there lol)
At large I don’t believe people have bad backs. Overall it would seem the leading issues stem from a weak body, specifically an underdeveloped core.
This snow was heavy and wet and there was a LOT of it. I have a snow blower but I wanted to use this as an opportunity to prove my point.

My neighbor being the great guy he is offered to help out with his machine and I politely declined.

Everything in our lives is designed to make life easier and with all of these magical developments comes a direct impact on our physical states.
We sit more, we slouch more, we have our heads down, we speak less, we work less and much less physically.

Cue all the acute/chronic pains. We have neck problems, back issues, shoulder soreness, knee trouble and so much more.
What I can say with 100% certainty is that we can relieve so many of these ailments from intelligent, productive physical training.

That low back pain can be caused by tight hamstrings. That poor posture can be fixed by posterior training. The knees, even the knees can be set free by building stronger quads, glutes, and hips.

We were given a beautiful clean slate as children and it was ours to take for granted. And most of us have done just that, thinking that the gym and working out is just for those vain people or those who need to loose weight which couldn’t be further from the truth.

We all need to train almost every day. I mean EVERYONE.
It’s time to take back control. It’s time to live with a higher quality of life. It’s time to run after the kids pain-free. It’s time to compete on any stage and execute just as you know you can, limited by nothing. It’s time to gain your confidence and build your life the way you dreamed of it.

And remember just because there may be an absence of sickness does not indicate a high quality of health.

Feet Up, Recovery Up

Feet Up, Recovery Up

Recently we’ve started incorporating 5 minutes of this ‘legs up’ relaxation pose after all of our group classes. What we DIDN’T expect was our Outcast Powerlifting team to embrace the Zen too!

Here are just a few benefits of this pose:

We’re happy our Powerlifters realized that even the big boys slingin’ the heaviest weights need a little wooosaaaah in their lives too.

Who Needs Weights?

with the right mindset and approach, it is possible to get an effective workout without the need for weights or expensive gym memberships. One of the best ways to do this is through body weight workouts.

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Bench Press – Old Techniques, NEW PRs

When it comes to building a stronger, more muscular chest, few exercises are as effective as the bench press. Let’s discuss why sticking to old school basics when it comes to the bench press can lead to incredible gains.

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