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Being Present

You know what’s phenomenal about physical training? It forces you to be present.
Know what I mean? Like if our girl Heidi who is the stunning model in this pic wasn’t paying attention to this ball she just threw in the air, then that baby is coming blasting back down with a vengeance and she may look like a hockey player after all is said and done hahaha.

You cannot do something like grab a pair of dumbbells and do a set of overhead press and be like “shiiiii you know I forgot to go to the bank today” … Well sometimes that happens anyway because of our crazy lives but in general this type of activity forces you to be where your feet are.

How many other times in your day can you honestly say that happens? Maybe if your work is engaging enough but besides that, we never practice being present anymore.

We watch tv and look at our phones. We go for walks and call a friend. We eat dinner and we’re back on our phones. We are doing laundry and listening to a podcast. We do our homework while answering snaps and posting tictok’s. We drive and put on makeup and play with the radio.

Nothing forces you to pay attention to that one thing happening quite like training.
It’s a beautiful hour when you can just zone in on this one thing. Laugh with friends, work hard, upgrade yourself, sweat, strive for more, and become the best version of yourself possible.

Don’t worry all of those distractions will be there when you are done. But it’s almost freeing. It’s just you and the weight. Just you and the gym. Just you vs. the challenge.
Learn to love it because there’s nothing else like it.